How can I track my package?

Once an order has been shipped out, we will send you a Shipping Confirmation Email, including your Tracking Number. To check the status of your package, please click on the link and it will redirect you to DHL or other shipping vendor's website. This function allows you to track your package using the tracking code provided in the email.

You can also track your order in "My Orders" by following these 3 steps:

Step 1

Sign into your account and click "My Orders".

Step 2

Find the related order in your order list and click on the Track button.

Or you can open the Order Details page by clicking on either the Order Number or View Details, then click the Track button located next to the tracking number.

Note:At this time, tracking is not always available for Postal Service - No Tracking.

Step 3

After clicking the Track button:
*The majority of the parcels can be tracked through 17track, so a 17track popup will appear to show tracking details.

*For the other parcels, you will be redirected to the shipping company's website. There, you can enter your tracking number to find out where your package is.

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